Apply for additional funding
It is possible to save a version of the application by clicking ‘finish later’ – this will generate an email link which you can use at a later stage. You can share this link with colleagues and others contributing to the application, it will give them the same rights to edit and amend the form. Taith do not have access to this link or your application until it is submitted which is why we strongly recommend completing as many of the questions as possible offline first, so you can retain a copy of them.
All requests should be submitted at least 30 days after the mobility has taken place. Taith will have absolute discretion regarding whether to pay any Additional Funding, and awards of Additional Funding are always subject to Taith having sufficient funds at the relevant time. Taith will usually request further information/documentation from a Grant Recipient prior to approval and notification of the outcome of the request. It is understood that there may be some cases where Additional Funding may only be required during a mobility, which has not previously been anticipated. This will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.
If you have any queries or concerns at all when completing this form and for further information and support with your application, please contact the team on, who will be happy to answer any of your queries.
Additional funding is available upon request to Taith for the following:
Green travel
For the purposes of Taith and this Agreement, “Green Travel” is understood as travel where a low-emission means of transport rather than flying is used. For example, this is when travel is undergone by train, coach or carsharing (min of 3 people) for the majority of the round-trip.
Grant Rates
The additional top-up to a travel grant will be paid where Green Travel is undertaken in the following distance categories presented in Table 1*.
Table 1
Distance Band |
Youth & Schools |
FE & VET, Adult Education |
HE |
10 to 99km |
20 |
20 |
N/A |
100 to 499km |
150/180 |
150/180 |
150/180 |
500 to 1,999km |
230/270 |
230/270 |
230/270 |
2,000 to 2,999km |
300/350 |
300/350 |
300/350 |
3,000 to 3,999km |
450/520 |
450/520 |
450/520 |
*Extract from Programme Guide Table 1 Annex 3 - Funding Model and Grant Rates for Pathway 1: Individual and Group Mobilities - Taith Programme Guide
*The first number is the standard travel contribution, while the second (green) number is the green travel contribution, in GBP (£)
Inclusion Support
Taith is committed to being inclusive to everyone and to reduce barriers to participation for those with physical, mental or health related conditions. The programme will therefore offer funding for participants with a disability and/or additional learning needs of up to 100% of actual costs for support directly related to their additional needs.
Disadvantaged Participants:
- Participants from disadvantaged backgrounds are classified as presented in Table 2. This category applies only to learners taking part in an outward mobility.
- Travel related exceptional costs' including costs of visas, passports, vaccinations, COVID-19 test(s), health insurance, appropriate clothing and luggage, as necessary. Applies to costs covering travel from/to remote area also. Travel related exceptional costs' must be as cost effective as possible and represent best value for money.
Table 2 - Learners
Disadvantaged background classification grid |
Youth |
Schools |
FE, VET & Adult Education |
HE |
Annual household income of £25,000 or less |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Receiving Universal Credit or income-related benefits because they are financially supporting themselves, or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner |
X |
X |
X |
Those who are care experienced |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Those who have caring responsibilities |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Estranged students (as defined by Student Finance Wales) |
X |
Refugees and asylum seekers |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Those who are eligible for means tested free school meals |
X |
X |
Table 2 - Staff*
*Pathway 2 2022 onward
Criteria |
Evidence required |
Household income below 25K |
Last three months' bank statement showing all income being received into the household; or last three months’ wage slips for; or most recent P60 if dated within three months. The name and address of participant must be visible on statement. The income of any partners must also be included in the figure.
If the participant lives in a house-share, not with family and are responsible for their own bills, then only their income would be taken into consideration.
Participant receiving Universal Credit or income-related benefits in their own name |
Total household income – wages and/or benefits/pensions combined - must still be less than 25K
Universal Credit - screenshots of workbook detailing amount paid and any deductions for the last three months; name and address must be visible on statement.
Benefits – last three months' bank statements showing amount in benefits being received.
Participants up to the age of 25 who are care-experienced, currently in care, or from a looked-after background. |
This applies to any participant up to the age of 25 who has been or is at any stage of their life, no matter how short. This includes adopted children who were previously looked-after, or those who are care-experienced and access care-related bursaries in other parts of the UK before moving to Wales.
Letter from social worker, support worker, personal assistant, local authority, housing association or charity, confirming the participants' situation - current or past.
Participants who have caring responsibilities for a disabled child, or an adult who, due to illness, disability, mental health problem or addiction, cannot cope without their support. |
A letter showing that the participant is in receipt of Carer’s Allowance.
A letter from a social worker, support worker, health professional or charity organisation confirming that the participant undertakes caring responsibilities for an immediate family member.
A certificate from the applying organisation as outlined in the guidance above.
Asylum Seekers or Refugees |
Application Registration Card or letter from the Home Office. |
Participant is estranged from parents |
N/A |
Eligible for Free School Meals |
N/A |
Grant Rates
The additional top-up for inclusion support is available on request (in accordance with the definitions above) and supporting documentation as required by Taith with allowable costs as presented in Table 3.
Table 3
Budget Category |
Youth & Schools |
FE & VET, Adult Education |
HE |
Participants with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and disabilities |
100% of eligible costs |
100% of eligible costs |
100% of eligible costs |
Participants from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: travel related exceptional costs |
Standard daily rate set at a level to be inclusive |
Standard daily rate set at a level to be inclusive |
50% additional travel grant for destinations beyond 4,000km |
Participants from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: additional subsistence top-up |
Standard daily rate set at a level to be inclusive |
Standard daily rate set at a level to be inclusive |
50% additional daily subsistence grant rate |
Participants from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: Exceptional expensive travel costs |
100% of actual eligible costs related to exceptional travel costs |
100% of actual eligible costs related to exceptional travel costs |
100% of actual eligible cost related to exceptional travel costs |
Exceptional costs
For the purposes of Taith:
- Exceptional expensive travel is
- A contribution to the cost of travel to a UK transport hub as part of international mobility. A UK transport hub is defined by Taith as a departure point from which the mobility departs to its international destination. For example an airport, train station, port or bus station. Funding is available for group mobilities, and for individual mobilities for participants from disadvantaged backgrounds.
- The cost covering travel to/from a remote area (only for those eligible to receive a travel grant). For Taith purposes, a remote area is defined as follows: where there is no established transport infrastructure to reach or depart from destination. Transportation infrastructure means all highways, roads, bike paths, sidewalks, airports, rail lines and docking facilities, as well as transportation and transit facilities.
- Covid related exceptional costs are covering Covid-related costs, specifically where the status of the destination country changes during the mobility, causing the participant to incur significant additional costs owing to a requirement to quarantine in a dedicated facility, comply with enhanced testing requirements or similar. Relevant insurance should be obtained for all mobilities. This exceptional cost is not intended to replace Covid insurance.
Grant Rates
The additional top-up for Exceptional costs is available on request (in accordance with the definitions above) and with supporting documentation as required by Taith with allowable costs presented in Table 4.
Table 4
Budget Category |
Youth & Schools |
FE & VET, Adult Education |
HE |
Exceptional expensive travel (to a remote area) |
80% of actual cost, if the original amount provided does not cover at least 70% |
80% of actual cost, if the original amount provided does not cover at least 70% |
All participants to destinations within a distance range of maximum 3,999 km: 80% of actual cost, if the original amount provided does not cover at least 70% Participants to destinations beyond 4,000 km: 70% actual cost, if the original amount provided does not cover at least 60% |
Exceptional Costs: Travel to a UK transport hub |
Group Mobilities: £500 per mobility, up to a maximum of £1200 per project, based on actual costs.
Individual Mobilities: Participants from disadvantaged backgrounds are eligible for up to £100 per participant per mobility, based on actual costs.
Group Mobilities: £500 per mobility, up to a maximum of £1200 per project, based on actual costs.
Individual Mobilities: Participants from disadvantaged backgrounds are eligible for up to £100 per participant per mobility, based on actual costs.
Individual Mobilities: Participants from disadvantaged backgrounds are eligible for up to £100 per participant per mobility, based on actual costs. |
Covid related exceptional costs |
100% of actual cost |
100% of actual cost |
100% of actual cost |
If you have any queries or concerns at all when completing this form and for further information and support with your application, please contact the team on, who will be happy to answer any of your queries.